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Your (Unofficial) Guide to Match Week


Hey everyone! It’s been a hot minute (am I using this saying correctly?) but I really wanted to have this post up before the 16th since match week begins then. I will be describing what goes on during match week along with the SOAP process so if interested, keep on reading! And if not, well that’s okay too!

Good luck to everyone applying to this year’s match!

As a disclaimer, I don’t work for the NRMP or any of those companies so this is pretty much what occurred during my personal experience as well as my colleagues’ experiences.


Tips Prior to March 16th:

-Make sure you have extra letters of recommendation on hand as well as personal statements if you need to apply via SOAP

-Do not have any events planned the next few days in preparation for SOAP

March 16th: Match Week Day 1

-This is the day you find out if you matched via email from NRMP.

-Your email “Did I Match?” should arrive by ~11AM EST. You could also check and log in which also shows if you match. At this time, if you applied to multiple specialties, your email won’t tell you which specialty you matched into. You will find out on March 20th.

*So if you match, then you’re done for the week until March 20th when you find out where you matched.

March 16th: SOAP

If you end up NOT matching, your email will let you know if you are eligible for the Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Programs (SOAP). Here are a few requirements you need to be eligible to participate in SOAP:

  1. Registered for the main residency match

  2. Graduating prior to July 1 as verified by medical school or ECFMG

  3. Partially matched or fully unmatched on March 16th

  4. Partially matched means if you matched into an advanced program and did not match into a preliminary program (i.e anesthesia, radiology).

So if you end up NOT matching, do not give up hope! You still have SOAP.

-Once said email has arrived, another email will be sent by NRMP with instructions for the SOAP process.

-You will be sent a list of programs with unfilled spots for every specialty and are given a total of 45 programs which you can apply to during the process.

-By 12pm, you can start applying to the programs for 2 hours. By 3pm, programs will start reviewing applicants.

March 18th: SOAP Round 1 and 2

-SOAP Round 1 of position offers starts at 12pm for 2 hours.

-Round 2 starts at 3pm for 2 hours

March 19th: SOAP Round 3

- Last round starts at 9am for 2 hours.

Tips/Rules during SOAP

-Have your phone turned on and be ready during these periods for phone calls or even video interviews

-You cannot contact programs you applied to if they haven’t contacted you

-If you are offered a prematch position, you must resign from SOAP.

Good luck to everyone this match season! If you need help or have questions, comments, concerns, please do not hesitate to comment or contact me!




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Kandria Ledesma, MD

Emergency Medicine resident

NJ      Antigua      NY       CA

Medicine, Running, Birds, Plants, Food, Dinos 


Dino of the Month: Carnotaurus

Plant of the Month: Nepenthes Attenboroughii


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